My wish list from them are as follows:

Propolis Bath Salts (lavender), P104.50
I know I can use the fine salt in our pantry for my at-home scrubs but these use salt from the Dead Sea. I know it's kinda stupid because a scrub is a scrub but there's no beating the price compared to similar products found elsewhere. Actually, the same thing could be said for all of their products. Of course I'd pick lavender. I need the calming effect.

Royal Jelly Hair Oil, P121.00
My hair is generally uncontrollable, except for right now as I don't go out of the house, so I tend to haul on hair care products.

Sting-Less Mosquito Repellant, P77.00
It's dengue season. I would have ordered this already if I were to go out more but since I'm stuck in the house till the end of next month, what would be the point?

Aromatherapy Oil (lavender and citronella), P99.00 each
As mentioned, I always prefer lavender scents. I'm choosing citronella as well for the insect-repelling properties.

Leather Balsam (S), P88.00
I'm not sure I need this. I'm just dreaming of buying an LV bag and needing this. Wishes!!!

I haven't bought this as I'm not having a lot of problems on my face right now (other than big bags under the eyes) but I'm guessing that once I go back to the polluted outside world, I'll be needing a good face scrub.

RJ Face Oil, P121.00
RJ Honeymilk lotion, P132.00
RJ Cleanser Moisturizer, P88.00
I'm vain, so yes, I want these. But then, I don't need these. So it's a toss-off but this is a wish list and I can list anything I want.

Virgin Honey, P330.00
You're not supposed to eat them but I so want to.

Propolis Cider Liniment, P104.50
I don't have a lot of aches and pains. Ok, I have a persistent back ache from my bad breastfeeding posture, but I can deal with it fine. My hubby, however, has a very bad knee. This could help.
Gadz, I'm shallow. I might as well post my By Nature Wish List next.
Images are from the official Ilog Maria website.
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